Review of Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Edge

Session 1 – Inner Strength: Decisions and Destiny

I have to admit to a certain amount of excitement when I heard that my Ultimate Edge package had arrived in the mail. A couple of weeks earlier, I had downloaded the first session from Tony Robbins’ website and I was anxious to get started on the program.

What you get when you order Ultimate Edge is a nicely designed package containing 26 CDs, two DVDs, a success journal and some coupons for a free live coaching session and for discounts on Tony’s live events. The program is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1: Inner Strength (2 sessions to do at the beginning of the program and a third session to do at the end)
  • Part 2: Personal Power Classic (7 days/sessions)
  • Part 3: Get the Edge (7 days/sessions)

As I mentioned, I had already listened to the first session, called “Inner Strength: Decisions and Destiny” prior to receiving the package in the mail. Still, I felt it would be better to refresh my memory and re-listen to the first session.

Session 1 of Inner Strength is recorded on two CDs and is fairly long at about 103 minutes. I downloaded the CDs to my iPod and set off the next day on my journey to achieve the ultimate edge, which is not about getting the edge over someone else, but rather getting the most out of yourself.

The first thing that really strikes you when you listen to a Tony Robbins CD is his enthusiasm. The man delivers his message with such oomph that it almost seems impossible that the same energy could be maintained throughout the session. But the energy is maintained, and Tony talks us through a lot of material aimed at helping us understand the driving forces in our lives. Tony covers a lot of material in those 103 minutes, so much so that I was compelled to listen to this session twice!

In this session, Tony talks about

  • Understanding and directing the forces that shape our lives:
    • the three pillars of progress; Getting focussed, getting the best tools and getting integrated and aligned.
  • Resources vs. resourcefulness: how we often make excuses about not having enough resources, while the truth is that we can find those resources with some resourcefulness.
  • Master lessons in life: the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment.
  • Decisions: how we all make decisions at every moment in the day – what do we focus on, what does that mean to us and what are we going to do with that information?
  • Three choices we make when we feel pain: Blame, change our life conditions, change our blueprint.

At the end of every session, and sometimes in the middle of a session, Tony gives us some homework to do. ‘Cause, let’s face it, listening to a program like this is not much use if you’re not going to follow through and make the changes you want in your life.

In this session, Tony encouraged me to think about, and write down, the area of my life where I am most happy… and why. Similarly, I thought about an area in my life where I was not happy… and why. Finally, today’s last assignment was to write a paragraph or two describing what my vision of my ideal life would be.

My thoughts
Interesting stuff; especially that last exercise. I, like many people, have gone through this thought process before… usually right after I buy a lottery ticket! LOL The difference here is that Tony encouraged me to really envision my ideal life as a whole… what kind of shape would I be in? What kind of house would I live in? Would I travel? Would I work? What kinds of activities would I do with my family?

I found that writing it down made it seem a more real to me. So, I’d encourage any of you who are reading this blog to write a paragraph or two about your own extraordinary life. Remember, the first step in getting anywhere is knowing where you want to go!

If you’re interested in getting a short glimpse of what Tony discusses in Session 1, watch this YouTube video:

Next up… Session 2: Your Hour of Power

39 thoughts on “Review of Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Edge

  1. Mike:

    I am considering buying The Ultimate Edge, but unsure if it will help me. I need your advice. I have so many issues going on in my life that I am completely overwhelmed. I was laid off of work as an Assistant Professor in June 2010. I was earning over $200,000. I am single with no family and I have been unable to find work. I own a beautiful home that I don’t want to lose and I have gone through almost all of my savings. I am living in fear all day long. I went to Jack Canfield’s seminar in Arizona in June 2010, with the hopes that would help me, but it didn’t. I even took his personal coaching sessions, but I got nothing out of that. So do you think that Ultimate Edge would help. I am desperate. I need help in every area – fianances, personal relationships, work, etc.



    • Hello Donna,

      Thanks for reaching out. I certainly think The Ultimate Edge can help, but as with all programs like this, it is up to you to put the knowledge into action.

      You mention that you had a highly-paid job and you own a beautiful home. That’s good news, because it means you already know how to achieve… you just need to find the right strategies to get back on track, tell yourself the right stories and put yourself in an empowering state of mind. Tony Robbins speaks a lot about all of these things throughout the program. In my view, he has a way of explaining things that are easy to understand and the exercises are a good step in getting what you want out of life. But you have to be willing to play full out… do all the exercises, take a good look into the mirror and understand that you have the power to make your life want you want it to be. His programs have certainly helped me. So, yes, I would recommend The Ultimate Edge.

      If you’re not sure, go to the Tony Robbins website ( and download the first session… it’s free. Or, do a search on YouTube and watch some of the videos.

      You may also consider attending one of his seminars. I recently attended his Unleash the Power Within seminar in New York. Honestly, it was more than I expected it to be. I came home feeling unstoppable!

      I wish you the best of luck Donna!

      Thanks for reading my blog! Feel free to write back if you have any more questions.



      • Mike:

        Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback and the good luck wishes. I am going to purchase it and give it a try. I have heard the first session and it seemed very good. The exercises that you mention on the blog seem very appropriate. You hit on the key ingredient when you said that it is up to me to apply the knowledge and I am going to do my best to do that. Maybe I will email you back as I am going along to let you know how it is going with the program if that is okay with you. Have a great day and thank you so much for being so responsive.



      • You’re welcome Donna. And yes, please feel free to email me back if you want some feedback, or just to tell me how things are going.

        All the best!



    • Hi Donna, I’m just reading your post here and am wondering how everything turned out after listening to the Ultimate Edge! I’m awaiting my copy in the mail.


      • Hi Donna,
        I wish you the best and I hope that everything is fine for you now. If you have a chance to tell more about your story, it would be great.


    • “Certainty” is a concept, in anything you build, consider the foundation. If the build has a solid foundation, it will have “steps” building it solid. The crumbling plans and failed builds often is a result of haste and anxiety that has weak foundation. Consider accidents as a good example, 90% of all accidents happen as people are getting things done as fast as they can without thinking of steps taken to build their things. Look at uncertainty as your enemy, you have an education, experience, do you have the health (Mentally and Physically) in order for you to continue, use your mind, body and ability to carry out your plans. As you exercise these things, you will have “certainty” of how long will it take to finally reach that certainty. Consider the set-back as a detour to prevent you from getting where you want to go…its just an inconvenience, deal with it planning contingency to overcome the detour, hope this helps…


    • Hey Donna Hope you’re better now. I mean I’m writing this after nearly 5 years. My suggestion is that you attend an event, I did. It really has made a lot of difference to my Life.


  2. Hi Mike
    I would start to thank you about the simple explenation of the material of antony robbins’s Program, and i want to tell you that i feel that i miss my goal in life, or at least i couldn’t see it, is the program wourth the spending on.

    All the best



    • Hello Saad,

      Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for your comment.

      I think you will find that Anthony Robbins’ Ultimate Edge program is well worth the investment… if you do the exercises and actually apply what you learn in your daily life. Just listening to it is not enough; you make differences in your life in your moments of action.

      Best regards,



  3. I had one of Tony’s programs back in the early 90’s. I can not remember the name but the cd’s pumped me up so much my wife almost killed me. I guess I was way to positive. Fast forward 20 years and my marriage is still perfect. My wife is actually on board about getting a program or two and really listening. We’ve achieved a lot in life and are very blessed. We are looking for programs that will re-energize us, and keep us going. I’ve exhausted my goggling. Any suggestions?


    • Thanks for the comments, Robert, and congratulations on your achievements thus far!

      Have you tried the Ultimate Edge program? I found it to be quite good, as I’ve stated in my review. Another option that I’d highly recommend is to attend one on Tony Robbins’ seminars. I attended the Unleash the Power Within seminar in March 2012 – which reminds me that I have to write a review of that – and I thought it was awesome!



    • Hi Tim,

      Yes, there is some new material in the Ultimate Edge that you wouldn’t have in Get the Edge and Personal Power. What’s new is the Inner Strength CDs, which consists of three sessions. Other than that, the rest of the package would be the same as what you already have, except for some re-editing that may have been done.

      If you want to get the first of the Inner Strength sessions, go to the Tony Robbins website and download it for free.

      Best regards,



      • Hi Tim,

        The Inner Strength sessions are audio CDs. The first is called ‘Decisions & Destiny’, the second is ‘Your Hour of Power’ and the third is called ‘Your Personal Blueprint’.

        Hope that helps.



    • Hi Greg,

      Not an odd question at all. I put the entire audio portion of the program, plus a couple of the videos on my 16Gb iPhone so that I can listen/watch while I’m on the train going to work. While I didn’t try putting all the videos, I think it would fit in 16Gb.


  4. Hi Mike,

    I have Personal Power 2. Is Ultimate Edge exactly the same as Personal Power 2? What are the differences if any?


    • Hello. Thanks for the question. The Ultimate Edge package contains a portion of Personal Power 2; not the whole program. The Ultimate Edge is comprised of three portions… first is called Inner Strength, the second is Personal Power 2 and the third is Get the Edge.

      So, for you, since you already have Personal Power 2, the Inner Strength and Get the Edge portions would be new material.

      I hope that helps.


  5. Hi mike..was wondering now that you have been using the program for the last two and half years since your original post would you consider doing an updated review? best regards james harley


  6. I am soooo excited about purchasing this program. I received it in the mail today. I needed something to get me to the next levels. I had a dramatic shift after going to UPW weekend about 5 years ago. I needed this again and Chicago was too far to go. I am self-motivated enough to do the work on my own on a daily basis so I decided to purchase the program.

    I’ve already asked a friend who is the only self-made multi-millionaire to be my mentor for modeling. So I’ve got that in order right on time!! Now it’s time to TAKE…MASSIVE…ACTION!! YAY!!


      • I am completely biased because Tony Robbins changed me to my core 5 years ago. I was so flakey. I would have these grand ideas and I was pretty “lucky” meaning that I would have many opportunities but I didn’t have the confidence and I didn’t have the follow through.

        I am so very different right now. I would call myself a “powerhouse”. I think it scares people. I follow through with a lot of things but what comes up is that I have followed through with what was an idea 4 years ago and now it is happening. It’s not an empire…just yet. But I didn’t quit after a week or a month.

        Following through and continuing building my brand I have noticed some old beliefs that I still have that is keeping me stuck. I am ready to soar and go to the next level. It’s time for me to make the shift. And I know that this program will do this for me.


  7. I’m going through Personal Power right now. I am on Day 2 but am listening to Day 3 just because I’m absolutely transfixed. Anthony Robbins is beyond brilliant. And the revealing of neuro-associations is mindblowing to me. Absolutely MINDBLOWING! It makes so much sense and is so simple. I can change my life on a massive level and also my clients and thousands of women. This has been the missing link for me.

    I went to UPW about 5 years ago maybe even 6 years ago and I’m sure he spoke about neuro-associations but it didn’t resonate then. Right now I’m having a breakthrough. LOL!!


  8. Mike, I have finally to decided on Tony Robbins, but not sure on which program package to choose. This will be my first “anything” Tony Robbins. Which one should I choose ? It looks like some of the packages are comprised of a little bit of each of the other programs. A little confusing to me. I’m interested in something with everything. Thanks!


    • Hello Thanh. Thanks for the comment! I assume that when you say that you are interested in ‘something with everything’ that you mean that you want a product that will touch on many aspects of self improvement. The Ultimate Edge program, which I reviewed here on my blog, provides you a good mix of everything. It has portions on goal setting, understanding human needs, energy and health, finances, feeling fulfilled, and so on. I found it to be excellent.

      Good luck to you!


  9. Hi, I’m really confused as to which programme to get. Personal Power II or the Ultimate Edge. Has anyone done both and recommend which is better to start with? The descriptions online – and from IM chat with personelle at Tony’s company didn’t really give any clarification. They seem to cover the same material (the IM chat person said this as well) and can’t get an answer to the difference in the programme.


    • Hi,
      From what I know of both programs, both Ultimate Edge and Personal Power 2 touch on a lot of subjects; and are most likely very similar in their scope. In fact, Ultimate Edge includes a portion of Personal Power 2. I went with Ultimate Edge because it was the latest program from Tony Robbins. Either way, I’m sure you’ll be satisfied.

      Good luck!



  10. I ordered Ultimate Edge a few weeks ago, and it arrived today!

    I put it off for some time because I didn’t want to spend the money – once I realized I was going to be investing in one of my favourite things (ME!) I took the plunge.

    Very excited, only on the first disk… 🙂


  11. Hi, I am wondering if you know how ‘The Ultimate Edge’ differs from ‘Time of your Life’. I am really struggling right now in a lot of different areas of life. I thought that task/time management was my worst area so I started trying to work through ‘Time of your Life’. It has some great concepts and tips but I’m really struggling to put it all together and I’m wondering if I may not have all the building blocks and if it might help if I did Ultimate Edge first… Any thoughts?


    • Hi,

      I don’t really know much about the ‘Time of your Life’ product, so I can’t really provide much insight.

      Ultimate Edge is a really good program that covers pretty much all aspects of daily life, so perhaps it could provide some building blocks that may help you in other areas. The way Ultimate Edge is structured, you are encouraged to build momentum by taking small actions initially and then more impactful changes later on. As you progress through the program, you also touch on things like time management, relationships, finances, health and the purpose of life.



  12. Hi Mike!

    Ive read the comment thread and the program seems great, have you received any feedback from people who purchased it years ago? Just curious to know if it has actually changed their lives (I know each person is its own world and I won’t judge the program based on the aforementioned feedback ,maybe slightly..mostly just curious! having read the comments posted years ago and now not knowing how they are doing is like reading an unfinished book!)


    pd: love your stuff



  13. Will the Ultimate edge help me build confidence in myself and my abilities in the work place ?
    I am feeling insecure and not worth anything – i cannot speak up in front of people and just freeze … will this program help me if not what do you recommend ?


  14. After Ultimate Edge, I went to Fiji and loved it even though it’s not a live event. Went to UPW in the cheap seats and it didn’t click for me. Went to DWD this year and it really blew my mind. Have you been to most of the events now?


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