
Welcome to the MCG Media blog – the personal blog of MCG Media owner and founder Mike McGrath. What will you find here? My intention is to post some thoughts and articles on things that are of interest to me.

Posts in the Communications category will cover various topics related to business communications over the Web, including traditional websites as well as social media. Sports category posts will feature some content on my favourite competitive sports, hockey and motor racing. I will also post in the Health category, touching on things I think lead to better health and well-being. In particular, I intend to post about my family’s experience with changing our diet. I’ll also post a few thoughts on what it’s like to raise a child with autism and will be writing about my experience with Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Edge personal improvement program.

Finally, I’m posting a page called Defining Moments. A few years ago, it was my intention to write a book called Defining Moments. That hasn’t happened yet, but I thought I’d post what I’ve written so far to get some feedback.

I hope you enjoy your visit!

‘New perspectives are welcome’: An eye opening experience with letter boards

New perspectives are welcome!

That’s one of the things my son Matthew was able to tell us this past weekend when my wife and I attended an outreach session for an autism therapy called ‘Spelling to Communicate”. What Matthew was able to express by using letter boards was truly an eye-opening experience for me; one that makes me see him in a different light.

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Remembering Dad – 10 years

This is just a repost of a note in remembrance of my Dad. He passed away 10 years ago today at the age of 77. I can still vividly recall his almost-nightly phone calls. We’d chat about all kinds of things; things like family life, health, religion, and sports. It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years already.

Rest in peace, Dad. I miss you, yet I know you’re spirit is still near…

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glint on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain

When you awake in the morning hush
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight
And the soft stars that shine at night

Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there, I did not die

– A poem read at Dad’s funeral

hockey hall of fame

My Dad and I with the Stanley Cup at Rendez-Vous ’87 in Quebec City